Delhi Schools 2024- 2025

Carmel Convent School
Girls only, CBSE affiliated, Christian Minority School with points based admission

About the School
Carmel Convent School is run by the Congregation of the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel, an Indian congregation that took its roots in 1870. The school was founded on 16th July 1957 and has completed its Golden Jubilee. The school was initially located at 65/ 48 Diplomatic Avenue. The school soon expanded and moved to a large rented house at 4 Kichener Road (now Sardar Patel Road). The sisters resided on the first floor of the house while the school was run on the ground floor. The 3 acre plot on Malcha Marg where the school is currently located was acquired in 1961.

The stated mission of the school is both the total development of its students and the installation of Gospel values in them.

Carmel Convent School
Malcha Marg, Chanakya Puri
New Delhi- 110021
Telephone- 26871299

Carmel Convent is located in a spacious, well planned building with extensive playgrounds. The playgrounds have courts for basketball, volleyball, badminton and tennis. The school itself has well equipped science and computer laboratories and a computerized library. The school has a number of clubs for activities such as debating, theatre, chess, computers, science and the environment.

Age Criteria and Seats in 2024-2025
The admissions made in 2024-2025 were to the Kindergarten (KG) i.e. Pre- Primary Class. Girls born between 01/04/2019 and 31/03/2020 were eligible for admission in 2024.The total number of seats available was 90.

Admission Timeline for 2024-2025
The school adopted the following timeline in 2024-2025

Sale of Forms 23/11/2023- 15/12/2023
Submission By 15/12/2023
First List 12/01/2024
Second List 29/01/2024

Documents Required
The school requires that successful applicants produce the following documents.
  • An attested copy of the Municipal Birth Certificate of child
  • For Christians- A letter from the Parish priest/ pastor attesting their membership of the parish and their Baptism Certificate
  • For proof of residence- A photocopy of one of the following- Electoral I Card/ Ration Card/ Passport/ Electricity Bill/ MTNL Landline Bill/ Domicile Certificate/ Aadhar Card
  • For siblings- Copy of page number 7 of the school diary
  • For alumni- copy of passing certificate.

Class XII Results
The top scoring students in each category in 2023-2024 were as follows- Science- 95%; Commerce- 97.80%; Humanities- 95.8%.

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