Delhi Schools 2024- 2025

Amity International School Saket
Co- educational, CBSE affiliated, with IB/IGCSE option, points based admission

About the School
The Amity International School Saket is part of the Amity Group of Institutions that includes the Amity University. It is one of the eight international schools that the Amity Group runs in the NCR. Though a relative newcomer when compared to some of the other schools in the NCR the Amity International School Saket boasts hi- tech infrastructure and modern teaching methods.

Amity International School Saket
M Block Saket
New Delhi- 110017
Telephone- 40738400, 40738421
Fax- 29561092

Amity International School Saket prides itself on its technology enhanced approach to teaching. The school has a state of the art intranet called Amitranet that is used to host online lessons, teaching materials, results, reports and homework. There is a Digital Language Lab with 41 computers. The school also has a large number of "Smart" classrooms that are equipped with interactive boards, allowing students to learn in an interactive manner. Other facilities include well equipped science labs, library and a health clinic.

Amity International has facilities for teaching both visual and performing arts. On the sports front the school has facilities for football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, cricket, swimming, skating and the like.

Age Criteria and Seats in 2024-2025
The admissions made in 2024-2025 were to the Nursery i.e. Pre- School Class. Children born between 01/04/2020 and 31/03/2021 were eligible for admission.

Admission Timeline for 2024-2025
The school adopted the following timeline in 2024-2025

Sale of Forms 23/11/2023- 15/12/2023
Submission By 15/12/2023
First List 12/01/2024
Second List 29/01/2024

Admission Criteria
The school uses a point-based system for admissions. The criteria and their weightages are as below

Neighborhood 30 points.

These points are awarded based on the distance of applicant's residence to the school
Sibling 20 points.

Applicants are given 20 points if a real brother or sister is already studying in the school.
Alumni 30 points.

Wards of alumni get 30 points.
Staff Ward 20 points.

Wards of staff get 20 points.
Total 100 points.

Documents Required
The following documents were required to be submitted along with the application.
  • Proof of Residence- Passport/ ration card/ electricity bill/ voter id/ Aadhar card/ rent agreement.
  • Birth Certificate
  • For alumni- parent's passing certificate.
  • For Sbling- I Card, Previous year report card.

Class XII Results
The top scoring students in each category in 2023- 2024 were as follows- Science- 98.2%; Commerce- 98.6%, Humanities-98.4%.

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